There is on the web a significant amount of structured data pertinent to the activities of the ACT community. For example, arXiv has many works in applied category theory; OrcID is a unique identifier system for researchers; ResearchGate has a comprehensive network of citations. This data will be incorporated into the database. On this topic, the authors of the document do not yet know how this will work.
Sources of Data
ORCID, ResearchGate, Math.SE, Zulip, arXiv, nLab, Azimuth, Math Genealogy, Reaxys, CrossRef
Most of the data will need to be populated by members of the community. Each account is given sole authority over their personal data, but public information such as research programs is open to public editing.For each category/attribute, there will be various kinds of tags which will help structure the data stored therein. For example, within the entity Research.Subject, there may be a “topic” tag for generalized algebraic structures. Users can create new tags to better specify data, though we should ensure some kind of systematization.